When was the last time you ‘felt’ the beat? - Yanko Design


Humans are simply difficult-wired to dearest bass. No I don't mean those EDM lovers, I mean all humans. We're psychologically built to honey low-frequency sounds, considering bass notes are the first things we ever hear. In the womb, nosotros hear muffled noises of the earth outside. We hear the gentle thumping of our mother'due south heartbeat. Music is something nosotros hear. Bass is something we feel.

I repeat, Bass is something nosotros feel, non just hear, so it goes without a uncertainty that music heard on average speakers, sounds average. Play that same music at a concert and you'll feel the sound in your breast as your body thumps to the tunes. Now needless to say, you can't accept the concert experience at home. You can buy a good speaker with a sizeable subwoofer… or yous can just wearable a subwoofer on your wrist. Yeah! The Basslet past Lofelt is a miniature bone-conducting subwoofer that yous vesture on your wrist. Funded successfully on Kickstarter merely a year back, the Basslet is already seeing mass acceptance specially by the VR community. It truly provides an immersive sound experience fifty-fifty with the most average speakers or headphones. Generating vibrations ranging from 10 to 250Hz, the Basslet helps you truly feel the bass. The vibrations traverse upwardly your arm and into your torso (information technology isn't only a vibrating component strapped to your wrist). The Basslet connects wirelessly with any audio source y'all may have and delivers the super-depression frequencies to your body with zero latency while your ear picks upwards the remaining frequencies, allowing your entire cocky to feel sounds… Not simply hear it. Musical applications aside (and there are and then many!), merely imagine having the Basslet strapped to you lot as you play Need For Speed or Call of Duty. Yous'll feel the car's raw horsepower as you revv up the engine, or the massive anti-tank gun as it thud-thuds away at the enemy. You'll never desire to experience audio any other way!

Designer: Lofelt









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Source: https://www.yankodesign.com/2017/06/16/when-was-the-last-time-you-felt-the-beat/

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